DC Dept. of Parks and Recreation – Takoma Aquatic Center

300 Van Buren St NW, Washington, DC 20012
Visit DC Dept. of Parks and Recreation – Takoma Aquatic Center's Site

Property Information

Jair Lynch, as part of a joint venture with Alpha Corporation, acted as fee developer for the DC Department of Parks and Recreation to renovate a 6,500 square foot bathhouse into a comprehensive community recreation center featuring a large meeting room, computer room, classroom, storage space, and restrooms. Jair Lynch also managed the development and construction of an Olympic-sized pool in a new natatorium behind the existing facility, which became the first public pool of this size in the District of Columbia. The 49,000 square foot building completed in 2005 also houses a weight room, aerobics room, concession area, and locker rooms. Students from several different schools in the area participated in Jair Lynch’s Construction Site Visit Program to monitor the progress of the project.

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